All our materials are transported by road or rail. We have excellent, long-standing relationships with haulage contractors and railway companies.
Our planning & scheduling department handles the following tasks for you:
Why not contact us so that you can benefit from our reliable and flexible services as well? Christian Köhler is there to provide you with the support you need!
Our planning & scheduling specialists know all about transporting metals – no matter what type of metal it may be. Discussions are held beforehand to select the most appropriate method of transport and to decide how best to divide up the materials. All decisions made are then carried out exactly as planned.
The individual batches are put together and transported as specified.
All agreements reached regarding the collection and transport of your materials are kept to at all times. Thanks to our extensive network of haulage contractors, we can always provide a reliable service – even when faced with unexpected events.
There are many different rules regulating how goods must be transported and these differ for each individual material. ALFA Rohstoffhandel knows them all, with its specialists having taking part in the relevant training courses. Our planning and scheduling department issues all the documents needed to transport your materials. Your metals are, therefore, in safe hands and you can rest assured that they are always being handled and processed in the most environmentally friendly way.
Our corporate value – a willingness to change – can be seen throughout our work, especially when we are faced with unexpected circumstances. When confronted with sudden events, no matter what the cause, we will find a way – or we will make one. Thanks to our years of experience, we are able to find suitable solutions and put them into action in no time at all.